In the News
Jennette Barnes, CAI - Local NPR for the Cape, Coast & Islands
A meeting of the state panel on the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station became unusually volatile on Monday 9/25, as arguments broke out between the acting chair and others in the room.
Christine Legere, The Provincetown Independent
DEP’s draft decision blocks path to nuclear wastewater release for now
The Barnstable Patriot
'Too much at stake to gamble': Barnstable Town Council condemns Holtec plan
As our community is located along Cape Cod Bay with 48,000 year-round residents and 150,000 seasonal residents and visitors, we are very concerned about the potential adverse impacts Holtec’s proposed action would have on our residents’ and visitors’ health, the environment and the local economy.

Matthew Tomlinson, NewsCenter
Advocates Holding Rally In Wellfleet Against Dumping In Cape Cod Bay
Cape Downwinders and Save Our Bay are organizing a rally at Mayo Beach in Wellfleet on Tuesday, June 14 from 3 to 4 pm to protest the proposed discharge of radioactive water from Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station into Cape Cod Bay.

Mike Damiano, Boston Globe
‘This can’t happen’: Plymouth in uproar over possible plan for radioactive waste
“If you make your living on the water, if your kids swim in the water, you have no interest in putting radioactive material into the water.” said Paul Quintal, the owner of Plymouth Cruises and a member of the Plymouth Harbor Committee.

Hongyu Liu, The Patriot Ledger
'Not one drop': Hundreds rally in Plymouth to prevent dumping radioactive water into ocean
PLYMOUTH – About 250 residents gathered at the Town Wharf in Plymouth Saturday to protest possible nuclear waste dumping by Holtec International into Cape Cod Bay off the Plymouth coast.

UH News
Dumping treated nuclear wastewater in Pacific Ocean not recommended
Japan has proposed discharging treated nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean, and an independent panel of global experts on nuclear issues was developed to support Pacific nations in their consultations. Robert Richmond, a research professor at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) and director of the Kewalo Marine Laboratory, was one of five experts selected to join the panel.

Matt Baca
Attorney General Balderas Announces Lawsuit to Halt Holtec Nuclear
Storage Facility
-Today, Attorney General Hector Balderas announced that the State of New Mexico filed suit against the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC" or "the Commission") and the United States seeking to stop them from indefinitely storing the nation’s supply of high level radioactive waste in South Eastern New Mexico.

Letters of Support
Markey Federal Hearing Joint Letter
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Court
As the State Senators and Representatives elected to serve the Plymouth, Cape Cod and
Islands region,1 we submit this joint letter to voice our concerns about the environmental and
economic consequences of decommissioning practices at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
(PNPS) located in Plymouth, Massachusetts and currently operated by Holtec International
Sheila Lynch-Benttinen to NOAA & NRC
Sheila Lynch-Benttinen, Duxbury Resident & Former President of Save The Harbor/Save The Bay
This letter is in regard to a potential violation of The Endangered Species Act (ESA)and the potential disposal of over one million gallons of radioactive water at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts by Holtec, LLC. The
ESA legally requires coordination between Federal Agencies to coordinate the protection of endangered species.