PRIORITY ACTION by 8/31/2023: Submit public comment into MassDEP to finalize decision to deny Holtec's permit modification to dump 1.1 million gallons of radioactive wastewater into Cape Cod Bay
On Monday, July 24, 2023 the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) issued a tentative determination to deny Holtec’s application to modify their permit to dump 1.1 million gallons of radioactive water into Cape Cod Bay!
The fight isn’t over yet as this isn’t a final decision. Currently the MassDEP will be accepting public comments until Thursday, August 31, 2023. After that they will be making a final determination on the permit.
It will be critical to have as many voices of the public as possible showing support for this decision to make sure that the MassDEP finalizes their determination. You can do this by submitting a public comment to the MassDEP.
Instructions on how to submit a written public comment to MassDEP:
MassDEP strongly encourages written comments to be submitted by email to massdep.npdes@mass.gov
You should address your public comment to Cathy Coniaris with Mass DEP
Your subject line should be: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - DEP’s Tentative Determination to Deny Holtec’s Application for a Modified Permit
If you wish to mail your written comment. You should send your written comment to this address: Cathy Coniaris, Mass DEP, 100 Cambridge St., Boston, MA 02114
Sample Letter:
Cathy Coniaris
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
100 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA 02114
Re: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
Dear Ms. Coniaris:
I am writing to support the tentative determination by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to deny Holtec’s application for a modified Surface Water Discharge Permit that would allow it to discharge radioactive and chemically contaminated wastewater into Cape Cod Bay.
MassDEP’s tentative determination that the requested discharge is prohibited by the Massachusetts Ocean Sanctuaries Act is entirely correct. That act prohibits the “dumping or discharge or commercial, municipal, domestic or industrial waste” into an Ocean Sanctuary. Cape Cod, Plymouth, Kingston, and Duxbury Bays are all protected ocean sanctuaries under the act. The proposed discharge is therefore illegal.
Holtec’s proposed discharge is illegal. The Department’s final determination should deny its application.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
[Your Address]